Do you ever wonder about your decisions and wish you had made better ones or just plain curious about the destination different decisions would have taken you?

What if I would have been a better role model?
What if I wouldn’t have taken this career path?
What if I would have been a better student?
What if I wouldn’t have ruined that relationship?
What if I would have taken care of myself better?
What if I wouldn’t have made specific bad decisions?
What if I would have been more responsible?
What if I wouldn’t have made bad financial decisions?
What if I would have taken more initiative?
What if I wouldn’t have burned bridges from the past?
What if I would have invested more into my relationship with God?

These just scratch the surface of things that pop into our minds.  We all have made choices in the past that were either amazing and deserve some sort of trophy… or make you want to vomit and change your name!  Even though you can be forgiven by God or others if you are willing to humble yourselves and ask, we still reap what we sow and it’s sometimes hard to forget the past when it’s lingered into your present.  The best advice I can give is to start sowing good seed today and at some point you will reap a harvest!  Eventually the bad seed will fade away and the good seed will be triumphant if you refuse to have a defeated mindset.  Work with the hand you’ve been dealt and find creative ways to invest into your future by making wise decisions today.  You don’t have to live in the past!  Today is a new day… make it worth it!

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