TJ's March 2018 Newsletter

Hello TJ's Family & Friends,

Just a few updates:

The Thorsby family had the honor of helping at David's Tent, DC for the first few days of NC week. We helped staff the tent for about six hours per day and Michael led worship about two hours per day. We even got a little snow action but it was warm in the tent! It's such an honor to be part of a worship and prayer gathering on the National Mall that has been going CONTINUOUSLY for over 900 days straight. We've had the privilege of leading at the tent multiple times over the last few years.

Thorsby Band (Michael & Sara Thorsby) - The Thorsby Band is ridiculously ready to release some new music! We need your help! Some of the spontaneous tracks we recorded at Barton College with Jordan Lane, Derrick Stalnaker & James Berry are currently being tweaked, mixed and mastered at PureMix Studios. We'll also be working with Disc Makers and CDBaby again for post-production and promo stuff to share with the world! We've launched a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the immediate expenses while also giving the opportunity for others to sow into the larger vision of TJ's.

Fiery Remnant Ministries - We're in the process of separating some of the ministry branches of TJ's (including Burn 24-7 New Bern) to our recently formed hub called Fiery Remnant Ministries. The website is still under construction as we attempt to give language to what we're doing and we're also in the process of establishing it as a 501C3. Our next hurdle will be towards late April so there will be limited action on our sites for the next few months. We're just "preparing the fields for rain!" These shifts will allow us to accept tax-deductible donations for ministry-specific portions of our mission, which will reduce the burden on TJ's as well as build structure for anticipated future growth. We welcome your prayers for clarity, financial provision and all the behind-the-scenes logistics taking place to establish this ministry with excellence!

Venue (Next potential TJ's CAVE location) - One of the preferred venues we were pursuing/negotiating revealed some extensive roof damage after the last snow storm. That was a blessing in disguise to find out BEFORE signing a lease to avoid costly repairs while sitting idle. They are still working on that particular property as they are exploring their potential tenant options to maximize rent. We are still very interested and just waiting to see how that pans out. We have our eye on a few others options but we're not in a rush since we're currently short on both money and time in this season. We would love to be in a facility by July of 2018 but we'll see what happens...

Don't forget to stay connected with us as we continue to serve our commUNITY:
TJ's CAVE, TJ's Cafe, TJ's Store (Facebook)

Thorsby Band/Ministry (Facebook)
Burn New Bern (Facebook)
Craven24Seven (Facebook)

FIery Remnant Ministries (Facebook)

TJ's administratively and financially supports all of these branches so we encourage you to DONATE as you feel led so we can better serve our community. We still have plenty of past, present and future investments to cover so every bit helps! Buy some merch or prayerfully consider becoming one of our SPONSORS!!! 
Will YOU support us?

Until next time...

Michael Thorsby

Upcoming Events TJ's Branches Are Hosting, Attending, Leading or Supporting:
Apr (multiple dates) - Thorsby Band at PureMix Studios (Wake Forest, NC)
Apr 13th - (9pm) Burn 24-7 Greenville (Greenville, NC)
Apr 28th - (7pm-11pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
May 26th - No 4th Sat Burn 24-7 New Bern - Thorsby Anniversary in HI
Jun 20th-24th - (Bethel Church) Kingdom Culture Conference (Redding, CA)
Jun 23rd - No 4th Sat Burn 24-7 New Bern - engage in Redding or Raleigh!
Jun 24th-Jul 1st - (Hope Chapel) Hillside Intensive (Raleigh, NC)
Jul 28th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Aug 25th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Sep 22nd - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Sep 27th-29th - ATD Tent America (Raleigh, NC)
Oct 27th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Nov 24th - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)
Dec 22nd - (9am-9pm) Burn 24-7 New Bern (New Bern, NC)

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