TJ's January 2016 Newsletter

Hello TJ's Friends and Family!

We are quite excited as we embark on a new year filled with hope and dreams that are developing and unfolding with a fresh spark of fire for this new season!
Check out our event schedules, blogs, facebook posts... etc at the links below for branches that are currently operating under the TJ's Family Tree!

TJ's CAVE (Facebook) is just getting warmed up and is already booking bands and other special public or private events! In early January we hosted a painting class that helped raise support for a local family that is adopting a child from the Philippines. We have a heart for the arts and want to offer an environment that is conducive for expanding our artistic boundaries!

Thorsby Band/Ministry (Facebook) is continuing to pioneer/plow in our local community, our region and the nations. Sara Thorsby and I are sensing an increased season of mobilization as we've been asked to engage in various demographic locations so we're pursuing the call as resources and availability allows. We're contending for increased resources on various levels and could use YOUR help. If you would like to partner with us regularly (prayerfully or financially), please let us know.

Burn New Bern (Facebook) is continuing to offer an incense of praise through extended hours of musical worship each month. This unified effort is for the community by the community. We're building relationships, bridging the gaps and impacting our cities through multi-denominational, multi-generational and multi-cultural diversity. We're just scratching the surface...

Craven24Seven (Facebook) is slowly taking up ground in the pursuit of 24/7/365 prayer coverage. In 2015 we documented hundreds of hours of prayer being covered in our community. This year we hope to surpass that but it takes YOU committing to sign up for regular worship or prayer slots! Can we count you in?

All of these branches/ministries are supported by TJ's as the business/ministry hub in which all resources are funneled through. It takes extensive resources (time, talents and treasures) to pursue with excellence. If you support the vision of any or all of these branches, would you consider sowing financially to help sustain and catapult us into this next season? Please visit our SPONSORS page for details of how to donate! We are trying to raise $30,000 asap to cover existing expenses and raise regular support for sustainment and future growth!
I encourage you to let the reflection of your past be a catapult to your future!
Michael Thorsby

Upcoming TJ's Family Events:
Every Fri & Sat - commUNITY @ TJ's CAVE (6-9pm) FREE - open to the public
Jan 22nd - commUNITY(6-7pm)/Burn New Bern (7pm-7am) @ TJ's CAVE
Feb 6th - Creative Arts Expo @ TJ's CAVE (10am-2pm)
Feb 6th - Thorsby @ Kingdom Impact with Ryan LeStrange - (6:30pm)
Feb 9th - Thorsby @ Kingdom Impact with Ryan LeStrange - (6:30pm)
Feb 12th - Thorsby @ 902 Church (Guatemala Team) - (7:00pm)
Feb 13th - preBurn @ TJ's CAVE (5-6pm)
Feb 18th - Thorsby @ The WAVE (8-9pm)
Feb 26th - commUNITY(6-7pm)/Burn New Bern (7pm-7am) @ TJ's CAVE
Mar 12th - preBurn @ TJ's CAVE (5-6pm)
Mar 25th - commUNITY(6-7pm)/Burn New Bern (7pm-7am) @ TJ's CAVE

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