


This past weekend Sara and I participated in a 24 hour worship and prayer event called “theBurn” in Greenville, NC at The Boiler Room.  We had the privilege of leading a musical worship set from 11pm-12pm and engaged/invested in about five hours of the event as others led.  We worshipped through music and prayer, our hearts were permeated in a room that was saturated with the Holy Spirit and chains of bondage were broken in lives full of strongholds.  When you welcome God to freely move in the meetings that you hold, come with expectation because He will move mountains that you never can do in the flesh!  A major demonstration of unity in the body of Christ:

*18 hours of live worship with prayer and intercession
*14+ worship leaders
*14 scheduled intercessors
*8+ churches represented
*4 shift leaders
*4 sound techs
*Many worshipers…

This event is focused on vertical worship (to God) and not so much horizontal (leading people).  This was an opportunity for followers of Jesus Christ to spend unhindered time of musical worship and prayer in efforts to Praise our Creator, cover Greenville and surrounding communities in prayer and to seek God for His will in our lives.

This is the type of event that separates the men from the boys.  You generally see those that are truly seeking hard after God at these events (and a few that are just curious) but many people miss out on what God is doing because these type of events don’t fit in the “well-packaged-hour-long-Sunday-service-agenda” that many are accustomed to participating in.  I use the word participating lightly.  Have you noticed the trends like having a barbecue will draw in 300 people but a Bible study or prayer meeting at the same time/same place will only draw 10-20?  You don’t have to attend church or other corporate events to maintain a certain level of spirituality but there is something biblically unique and amazing about a body of believers gathered together with the focus of praising and/or learning about the God that we claim is the Lord of our lives.  Many people think they are satisfied with tasting the crumbs leftover but if they were willing to sacrifice just a little and jump into the deep-end with God, they will find themselves in a whole new realm of life.  I challenge you.... are you sampling God or are you stepping out in faith by jumping in the deep-end with both feet?  Don’t settle, don’t settle, don’t settle.... 

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop and you might find yourself working for the wrong team as your luke-warmness radiates to those around you.  Is your example repelling or inviting others to join in your quest for God?  Keep in mind that even the demons “believe” and those of the world do “good deeds” and “serve” while even attending places they call “church”.  Those things don’t make you a follower of Jesus Christ.  It’s about relationship, not religion.  Relationships require investing…

P.S.  See for more info on theBurn and other events for future reference.

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