On May 26th, Sara and I celebrate four years of marriage together.  YEAH BABY!!!  Not only does she love me but she still likes me!  For those of you that know us you are very aware that we don’t fit in the status quo box very well.  Just when you start to think we’re normal, BAM… you realize that we are _________ (unique, crazy, goofy, unorthodox, weird, funny, adventurous, dedicated, Jesus freaks, loco…etc)?

I’m fine with being a little different and not always fitting in the mold set before me.  Based on what I read, I think Jesus was a bit of a trend setter Himself.  Not to compare myself with Jesus but we are made in His image and are supposed to “walk in the image of God” right.  He was a regular guy (a carpenter) that: faced temptations just like us, had relationships just like us, had the abilities to lead people just like many of us and was able to do those things with a tremendous amount of faith that set Him apart from those around Him.  He was faced with some of the same things that we are but chose to take the high road that we often miss.  He chose to defeat the temptations that we often give in to.  He understood the concept that if you don’t work, you don’t eat… He wasn’t lazy by far.

I say all of that to encourage you to understand why we do some of the things we do.  God has given us life and breath and has saved us through Jesus Christ and has sent His Holy Spirit to intercede for us until we ascend to spend eternity with our Redeemer!  He has blessed us with an amazing road map called the Bible and Sara and I take it very seriously.  We don’t always get it right and we’re constantly in a learning process.  It’s amazing how much God can teach you as you go through seasons of life.

I didn’t necessarily do things right in my relationships in the past but at some point I finally realized that my relationship with God was the void that I was missing and I was trying to fill it with so many other things (temptations).  I chose to take a break from dating to pursue God and focus on who He wanted me to be.  That was the best thing that happened to me but I thought my vow to stop dating would be a short-lived event.  After three years of focusing on God, I met the women of my dreams (Sara) and decided to court her for another four years.  So about seven years after making that vow to God I was certainly privileged to marry Sara not just because I realized that I married up but because she also shared in my passion towards God.

We are doing our best to model our relationship based on Biblical principles and I’m certain that God has protected us as we follow hard after Him.  We’re determined to break generational curses of divorce and we’re trying our best to lead by example for others.  If we fall down, we’ll get back up.  We’re not perfect but we’re striving for perfection and you might be one of those people that are part of our story!  We’re constantly watching other people for examples of what to do… and sometimes what not to do but ultimately we’re following hard after God.  We challenge you to encourage us on our journey!

P.S.  Maybe your journey has had a few bumps and bruises... God is bigger than your mistakes and will forgive you if you’ll ask.  It’s your choice what you do with today!  Start sowing good seed today and eventually some of the bad seed will be weeded out!

P.S.S.  Did I mention that Sara and I waited until we were married to share in the physical privileges God ordained for the bounds of marriage?  Let’s just say that was a long four year courtship but worth every minute of it!  God has blessed us tremendously and many of you are included in those blessings!  Whatever it is that you are waiting for… it’s worth the wait if you do it in God’s timing!

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