I am constantly looking for areas where I can learn and grow in my walk with God and life in general.  Often times we have to take a step back from situations or take a break from our busy lives to look at our journeys with a different perspective.  Being exposed to friends, family and/or acquaintances with differing opinions is not always a bad thing either.  It’s good to see life through the perspective of others as their ideas or beliefs may challenge us to examine ours and either cause us to change as needed or solidify our convictions.  I’m a people watcher so I learn lots of lessons… both good and bad.

Sara and I are pregnant (PRAISE GOD) and we now find ourselves prioritizing our decisions based on “how will this affect our child?”  As I’ve seen with other parents along my journey I notice that habits are altered, schedules are rearranged, finances changed and life in general is seen through a different lens when considering the children involved.  This is a good thing and selfless in most cases.  You don’t have to abandon the reality of life and the responsibilities outside of your parental responsibilities but you have to be mindful of it when stepping back and getting perspective on your life as a whole.

When I consider this example I’m challenged to put these concepts into practice in my relationship with God.  With every decision I should ask myself “how does this affect my relationship with God or my witness to others?”  Am I willing to change my habits, rearrange my schedule, release my finances and live my life in general as an ambassador of God?  God has blessed us with any talents, finances, time…etc. that we boast of so it’s only fair to offer those things to God on a regular basis.  There is no special formula that many religious organizations attempt to place on people but God will reveal to you through a relationship with Him what he desires from you.  You will feel convictions when needed, confirmations when needed, peace when needed and occasionally you’ll just have to make decisions on your own and adjust accordingly.  God allows us to go through things for a reason and I pray that we can find ways to grow in our situations through the life lessons often disguised by the hype of the moments.

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