Does anyone else get frustrated when leaders don’t seem to be leading?  We see it every day in our government, in our jobs, in the places we do business, in families and even often times in ministries.

Somewhere along the lines people have lowered the bar of the excellence it requires to be considered a leader.  Many of today’s leaders settle for good enough and status quo without recognizing the legacy, or lack thereof, they are leaving behind.  By the time some of these leaders train up their replacements, they are often already on their way out and have lost the passion and purpose they once had.  That snowballs over into a half-hearted training and pass-down that immediately puts the replacement at a disadvantage and lower level of quality, efficiency and excellence.  Many times newer leaders have a lot more motivation and innovative ideas which is good but it’s much more effective when coupled with past experiences from those that have plowed before them.

I mention these things because I often get discouraged when I see people with specific titles that aren’t living up to even the basic expectations.  I see managers that aren’t managing, parents that aren’t parenting, pastors who aren’t pastoring, government officials who aren’t governing, trainers who aren’t training, disciples who aren’t disclipling….etc.

What are you doing to break the mold of status quo?  Are you satisfied with doing just good enough to get the job done or are you striving for excellence even if it’s not noticed?  If you’re aspiring to be a leader, what are you doing to prepare yourself?  The status quo mentality has a trickle-down effect that can become a devastating snowball in your life and the lives of those around you.  I challenge you to be unique and do the right thing.  Don’t settle for less than your best.

“Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart, as working for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”  Colossians 3:23-24

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