Remember the first time you decided to hold hands with that special someone when you got all nervous and filled with butterflies in your stomach?  Remember when you used to daydream about smootchin’ on your boyfriend or girlfriend?  Remember the fireworks that went off in your imagination as you hugged or cuddled or innocently snuggled at a bonfire?  Remember when flirting turned into dating/courting?  Remember when you decided to get married?  Remember how exciting the thought was of spending the rest of your life with this person that made you feel so special and all warm and fuzzy inside?

Somewhere between the busyness of life and the lack of investment, people tend to drift apart and forget the roots of relationships they committed to.  Unfortunately we see this all too often as some relationships progress in years.  I understand there are a lot of factors that contribute to “drifting apart” but many of them are preventable.  Here are a few things that are easy to say, hard to live out but possible with the right intention:

*Life can get busy… be a better manager

*Finances… we have to work to pay the bills but live within your means and don’t try to “keep up with the Joneses”

*Kids are overwhelming… invest in your relationship first, build a good foundation and then let the good times roll!

*He/She isn’t taking care of their body/temple… be purposeful and diligent in your lifestyle (diet & EXERCISE)

*He/She doesn’t communicate well… say what you mean and mean what you say!  Eliminate all of the unnecessary darts, no yelling EVER and say what’s on your mind before it builds up and explodes.

*Date each other… you should intentionally set aside a specific time/night each week to focus on each other and nothing else… all other encounters are bonus!!!  Get on the same schedule as well!

*Sex life… all of the above items are factors in your sex life.  Create peace in the other areas and it will lead to better, unforced, unhindered, amazingly fruitful reminders of how awesome you are together.  If you base your relationship on sex alone (especially before marriage) you will have a tough time as you will have to rebuild your foundation.

*Spiritual discipline… make sure God is in the center of everything you do.  If you try to do it in your own strength you will be less than your potential (at best) or totally unsuccessful (at worst).  P.S.  Sex is even better when your spiritual house is in order… after all… He did create it!

Stop whatever you’re doing and find time for some “kissy face”.  Let your spouse know that you love them and don’t ask for anything in return…at least at that moment.  Don’t just say it with your mouth but show it with your actions on a regular basis.  There is comfort in knowing that somebody loves you regardless of your faults and imperfections.  We all know that God loves us but we sometimes can’t see beyond our own failures to recognize that the person we call “lover” is more interested in the total package!  Sometimes we “hurt those we love” more because we feel comfortable with them and sometimes have a lack of restraint.  Your words are like weapons and they can bring life or death to a relationship so use them with wisdom and speak life into your future.

Disclaimer – Some items such as unfaithfulness, laziness, lack of concern, spiritual backsliding…etc are items that require additional work and counsel.  There is personal accountability though for all actions and reactions regardless of who is at fault… Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”

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