We use filters for a lot of things.  We use water filters to clean and purify our drinking water.  We use air filters to protect our engines from random debris that could hinder performance.  Lots of people smoke cigarettes with filters… I guess it reduces the nastiness.  Some people should use filters in addition to their underwear to avoid airborne fecal matter but we won’t elaborate on that here!  Let’s move on…

We have been blessed and sometimes cursed to have this thing we call a conscience.  Some people are well aware of theirs and some people have avoided it for so long that they are practically numb to common sense and reality.  This conscience is a natural inclination but also incorporated and refined during adolescence (some more than others).

Those that call themselves “Christians” and are actually followers of Jesus Christ (with actions and not just merely words) also have the Holy Spirit to intervene in their lives and decisions.  Often times we go through the motions of life making quick decisions, speaking before thinking and generally living life without a filter.  We have the opportunity to use the inspired Word of God (The BIBLE) as a guide and filter for many of the situations we come across in life.  We also can pray directly to God and ask for direction as He guides us with The Holy Spirit.  Many times we try to do things in our own strength and we sometimes fall flat on our face because we fail to recognize the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It’s not about us but what God can do through us.

I challenge you today to get familiar with the Word of God on a daily basis, spend time in prayer, seek wise counsel and utilize these filters to make decisions that will not only impact your life but the lives of others in a respectful way!  Let your filters purify the debris in your life so you can have clean hands and pure hearts in the eyes of God!

Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind to reward each man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve”

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